Festival Supporters:
A big thank you to the many organisations and individuals who regularly support the festival in so many ways!
Brighton & Hove City Council
Friends of Brunswick Square and Terrace
Friends of St. Ann’s Well Gardens
BHCC Animal Welfare Team
First Base
An extra big thank you to our fantastic team of volunteers! You know who you are! The festival would not happen without you!!!
To find out more about how to volunteer with the festival, please follow this link:
Festival Funders 2019:
Thanks again and again to PRIndustrial tools of Hove for supplying the Generators for the Bar…..and Stage…. once again this year!

Festival Funders 2018:
A Big thanks to Julie at Punctured for sponsoring the bar this year….

A HUGE THANK YOU to these guys yet again for sponsoring and powering our main stage! Much appreciated!!!

Sponsors of Scruff’s Dog Show 2018 – Brices Estate Agents

Festival Funders 2017: A Massive THANK YOU to these guys for sponsoring and powering our main stage! Much appreciated!!!

And Punctured yet again. Thank you!

And ‘Healthy Eating Around the World’
We are delighted to announce that Brunswick Festival has once again received a grant of £850 from Brighton and Hove Food Partnership as part of the ‘The City that Cooks and Eats Together’ scheme to help promote healthy eating and encourage awareness around food waste. Our project has partnered with Justlife, offering opportunities for vulnerable or isolated people who might not normally have the chance to enjoy cook or enjoy a sit down meal in a social situation, to do just that. Each cookery session will focus on a recipe from a particular country or culture. People will learn about the different ingredients used, food traditions, culinary customs and dining etiquette of different parts of the world or different cultures. If you’d be interested in joining us as a ‘guest chef’ and sharing your favourite recipes, then please get in touch.

Sponsors of Scruff’s Dog Show 2017 – Brices Estate Agents

and for sponsoring the category “Waggiest Tail” at Scruffs a big thanks to :

Festival Funders 2016:
‘Healthy Eating Around the World’
We are delighted to announce that we have received a grant of £850 from Brighton and Hove Food Partnership as part of the ‘The City that Cooks and Eats Together’ scheme to help promote healthy eating and encourage awareness around food waste.
Our outreach project has partnered with Justlife and First Base, offering opportunities for members of the homeless community and other marginalised people who might not normally have the chance to enjoy cook or enjoy a sit down meal in a social situation, to do just that.
Each cookery session will focus on a recipe from a particular country or culture. People will learn about the different ingredients used, food traditions, culinary customs and dining etiquette of different parts of the world or different cultures.
If you’d be interested in joining us as a ‘guest chef’ and sharing your favourite recipes, then please get in touch.

Festival Sponsors 2016:
Are you a local business? Would you like to sponsor Brunswick Festival this year?
We are happy to tailor sponsorship packages to suit your individual business requirements, interests and budgets. Packages start from £100 upwards.
Download a sponsorship pack HERE
A BIG Thank you to Baron Estates for taking our a ‘Platinum’ Sponsorship package!!! Look out for the Baron Estates team in the children’s area this year, they’ll be painting faces for free.

And a BIG thank you too, to our first ‘Silver Sponsor’ – Punktured !

Grants :
‘Brunswick Community Safety’ Project – Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community Safety Grant
We are delighted to announce that Brunswick Festival has received a grant of £5000 from the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community Safety Fund which offers financial support to local organisations and projects that aim to reduce crime and improve community safety.
The project will work together with local organisations such as First Base and Justlife to engage members of Brighton’s homeless community, ex offenders and other marginalised groups in a range of creative learning and social activities (arts, crafts, music, gardening), vocational training (first aid, food safety, steward training) and opportunities for volunteering at Brunswick Festival events. The project will help develop transferable skills, improving opportunities for work and future life chances. Through working together with different people from diverse backgrounds and situations the project seeks to improve community cohesion and safety.
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, said:
“Brunswick Festival is a fantastic community event so I am delighted to be able to provide support through my Safer in Sussex Fund. This outreach project works with many marginalised groups including homeless people, refugees and ex-offenders to develop their skills and reduce anti-social behaviour.
“Brunswick Festival offers a range of vocational training activities, practical skills development, such as food hygiene, first aid and steward training courses as well as creative learning workshops in subjects ranging from photography to cookery.
These activities help their clients develop a variety of transferable skills, both personally and in employment, through hands-on experience of working and volunteering in a community and event environment.
This all culminates in a fun filled family programme that features all kinds of fun-filled entertainment from dance to puppetry as well as food. My community safety fund supports a wide range of projects that help achieve the objectives in our Police & Crime Plan.”

Brighton & Hove City Council – Community Festival Grant
We are delighted to announce that Brunswick Festival has received a £1500 Community Festival grant from Brighton and Hove City Council towards staging the events
Brighton and Hove City Council grant panel said:
“Brunswick Community Festival is one of the City’s highest profile neighbourhood celebrations and the Festival group works with a wide range of third sector partners to ensure continuing high quality”

Festival Sponsors 2015:
A big thank you to our festival sponsors for 2015!
Justin Lloyd (Gold package festival sponsors)

Brices (Rural Day & Scruffs Dog Show winners’ trophy sponsor)

Stop Press and a big Thank you!!
Brunswick Festival has just received a Community Festival grant of £1500 from Brighton and Hove City Council.

Festival Supporters:
A big thank you to all the many organisations and individuals who support the festival in so many ways!
Brighton & Hove City Council
Friends of Brunswick Square and Terrace
First Base
St. Ann’s Well Gardens
The Farm Tavern
BHCC Animal Welfare
An extra big thank you to our fantastic team of volunteers! You know who you are!
Latest funding news:
Brunswick Community Festival Group is delighted to announce that it has just been awarded £5000 by the Sussex Community Foundation to deliver another programme of educational activity working with the homeless community from First Base. The project will work towards a winter event to highlight issues facing homeless people during the winter months as temperatures drop to below zero.

Previous grants:
European Social Fund – Learning & Skills Council
Big Lottery, Awards for All